Memory Care Consulting provides leadership and guidance in operations, education and mentorship to senior care companies, to professional caregivers and to families caring for loved ones. With over 30 years in this field, Megan Carnarius and the Memory Care Consulting team provide best practice solutions as well as cutting edge person-centered care approaches. We aim to inspire, rejuvenate, and increase understanding and compassion working with all areas of memory loss.

Work with Memory Care Consulting

Education & Lectures

Do you need education about memory loss and care?
your questions, answered

Family Consults

Did you or a loved one recently receive a memory loss diagnosis and you feel lost about what to do or how to do it?
let us support you

Operations, Architecture & Design

Do you want to build an amazing memory care assisted living or need advice about operations and staff retention?
we have your road map!
A Deeper Perspective on Alzheimers and other dementias book By Megan Carnarius

A Deeper Perspective on Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: Practical Tools with Spiritual Insights

By: Megan Carnarius

Soul-searing, life-testing situations have what some call “fall-out blessings.” The book is about understanding some of the deeper lessons we are exposed to through caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

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10 ways to support brain health by Megan Carnarius Memory Care Consulting

Help your staff feel competent, confident, and inspired with comprehensive education solutions from The Spirit in Alzheimer's.

Your staff is making a tremendous difference to the elders they work with – affirm their areas of excellence with education that sets the bar even higher. Make your experts masters.

Clear the mist, light the lantern, find your way then shine a beacon for others…

Memory Care Consulting Family Consultations Alzheimers Dementia

We would not live to old age if longevity had no meaning for the species.

Two-thirds of all the people who have ever lived past the age of 65 in the entire history of the world are alive today. In the U.S., There are 40.3 million people age 65 and older, up 5.3 percent from 35 million in 2000. These numbers are expected to increase rapidly over the next decade.

Our culture sees aging as a process of relentless decline. This bias is an expression of society’s materialist values. The spiritual hollowness of materialism undermines our culture and threatens to destroy the planet. Old age is a summons to an alternative view. It is the domain of reflection, inner enrichment and deepening spirituality.  These qualities have the potential to revitalize our culture. It is our charge in later life to realize and transmit this gold.


In-person workshop, boulder, co - march 15th, 2025 9 am-4 pm

Join us to help navigate the challenges of caring for your loved ones with dementia. We will cover dementia basics, communication and behaviors, ADLs, when to seek help, and more!

Registration closes March 13